Hello PS grads,

I am sending out a reminder to please sign up on the following link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccvFxOKzhOtnbw9jf3LlVNbCVxfux4OJ2YajQOqVCS4YAkpA/viewform?usp=sf_link) if you would like to join a rental vehicle to attend the 39th Plant Science Graduate Student Symposium! The link will be open to register until February 23rd, 2024. 

I would also encourage everyone to look at hotel option listed (http://agbio.usask.ca/plscgradsymposium/accommodations.php). 

Abstracts are available for submission until: February 16, 2024 

Thank you and I look forward to a great symposium! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Kind regard,

Alexa Peterson 

PSGSA President | CSA Student Representative 
Plant Science MSc. Student 
University of Manitoba 

signatureImage peters86@myumanitoba.ca