Hi Everyone,


Here is information for the PSGSA events planned for August:



Friday, August 10th - Movie in Assiniboine Park (Jumanji)


Meet by the Lyric Theatre at 8:30pm. Bring a chair, blanket and some snacks!


Sunday, August 12th - Folklorama


3 Folklorama Pavilions are located at the RBC Convention Centre. Tickets for each pavilion are 6$, food/drinks are extra.


5:15 pm - United Kingdom

6:45 pm - India

8:15 pm - First Nations


If you are interested in participating, please let me know (mclenna3@myumanitoba.ca) or sign up in the lounge. The deadline to sign up will be Friday, August 10th.  


Thursday, August 16th - PSGSA Charity BBQ for Winnipeg Harvest


The PSGSA is hosting a Charity BBQ to raise money for Winnipeg Harvest. The BBQ will be held in the Plant Science courtyard from 12-1pm. Burgers/hotdogs with chips and a drink will be available for 5$. Donations of non-perishable food items will be accepted.


Saturday, August 18th - Day Trip to Falcon Lake


Full day trip to Falcon Lake for a beach day and/or hiking. Please sign up by Wednesday August 15th, so rides and food can be arranged.



Hope to see you there!




Deanna McLennan

PSGSA Social Director

M.Sc. Student, Department of Plant Science 

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences