Hi All, 

The PSGSA has arranged for a tour of the Canadian Grain Commission in downtown Winnipeg. The CGC is a government agency responsible for the handling of Canadian produced grain, as well as leading research surrounding grain quality. The tour will take place in the morning of Friday, October 20th and we will cover the grain inspection process as well as tours of the cereals and oilseeds labs. 

There are limited spots available and will be on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in participating, please let me know (ammetera@myumanitoba.ca) or sign up on the sign up sheet in the lounge.  The deadline to sign up will be Friday, October 13th.  

For more information about he Canadian Grain Commission, see the link below. 


Let me know if you have any questions, 


Ashley Ammeter

MSc Student
PSGSA Vice President Internal 2017-2018
222 Agriculture Building 
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R37 2N2