Graduate students can begin registering on July 23, 2012.  Prior to registration, courses for the 2012-2013 academic year (Fall and Winter terms) must be approved by their advisor/designate.  A form is attached for this purpose.  This form is then submitted to Martha Blouw/Bev Godard who will remove the block on the student’s record.  The student will then register herself/himself on Aurora Self Service.  Students are encouraged to register early for courses that may have limited enrolment.  Instructor approval is required for courses taken outside the Department of Plant Science.



Martha Blouw, Academic Advisor

Department of Plant Science

226 Agriculture Building, 66 Dafoe Road

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canada   R3T 2N2

Telephone: 204 474 8223

Fax: 204 474 7528