-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Las remaining items for Christmas Hamper
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 14:32:24 -0600
From: K Podolsky <umpodolk@cc.umanitoba.ca>
To: Bev Godard <godardbd@cc.umanitoba.ca>

Hello Grad Students,

Thank you so much to everyone who has brought in food for the Christmas hamper! I will be delivering the hamper Wednesday morning, so we have two more days to collect a few remaining items:

Juice (100% fruit juice) - 3 x 1 litre
Rice - 1 or 2 packages
Oatmeal - 1 or 2 packages
Peanut butter - 1 jar
Pancake mix - 1 package
Syrup - 1 bottle
Stuffing - 1 package
Sugar - 2 to 4 lbs
Tea - 1 package
Scalloped potates - 1 or 2 packages

The more items we can bring in, the better! If anyone would like to join me for delivering the hamper, let me know! I will be leaving here around 10:30 a.m Wednesday morning.

