Hello all, 

Dr. Curt McCartney wanted to share this seminar for those interested happening on Thursday at 9 am on "Combining genome technologies with genetics to analyse MAGIC populations". If interested, please see link below. 

Your PSGSA Team 

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Dear colleagues,
we are having a seminar series for our PhD students in the AgriGenomics Doc School.
The invitation to the next seminar is attached.
In case you want to make this known among your students, please share the link. The seminar is public for everyone.
Best regards,

>>> "BOKU DocService" <docservice@boku.ac.at> 19.04.2021 16:14 >>>

Dear all,

the next AgriGenomics seminar will be on 22.04., starting at 4 pm.
Title of Talk: Combining genome technologies with genetics to analyse MAGIC populations
Dr Matthew D. Clark
Research Leader Department of Lifesciences, Natural History Museum, UK https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/departments-and-staff/staff-directory/matt-clark.html


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