Hi all,

Please make sure to fill out the survey today. We are looking forward to getting your inputs. 

Thank you very much for your contribution!


From: plants-grads-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca <plants-grads-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca> on behalf of Sachithrani Kannangara <kannangs@myumanitoba.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 1:16 PM
To: 'Plants-grads@lists.umanitoba.ca' <Plants-grads@lists.umanitoba.ca>
Subject: [Plants-grads] Collecting student input for next council meeting

Hi all, 

The Plant Science Department Council is developing strategies to improve their project planning for the next 5+ years, and student input is crucial to the discussion. We collect your valuable ideas to support improving the Department with SOAR elements (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results).   


Please share your feedback by filling the below survey and submit it before March 1st at the latest. 





Thank you, 

PSGSA team