Hi everyone,


Quick reminder for the upcoming PSGSA events:


Tomorrow (Friday) - Movie in Assiniboine Park (Jumanji) - We will be meeting near the Lyric Theater at 8:30pm. Remember to bring snacks/lawn chairs or blankets.


Sunday (August 12th) - Folklorama - If you’re interested in attending please sign up in the lounge or email me. More details will be provided once we have a better idea of numbers!


Thursday (August 16th) - Charity BBQ - The PSGSA’s Annual Charity BBQ will be held in the Plant Science courtyard starting at 12:00pm. All staff and students are invited to attend! Donations and non-perishable food items for Winnipeg Harvest will be accepted.







Deanna McLennan

M.Sc. Student, Department of Plant Science 

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba