From: Laurene Davy
Sent: March-18-13 3:39 PM
To: Brian Oleson; Danny Mann; Laurie Connor; Paul Bullock; Peter McVetty; Susan Arntfield; Terry Galloway
Cc: Felice Zalik; Jonathan Hildebrand; Allison Cranmer; Beata Chartrand; Bev Godard; Carola Lange; Debbie Bialek; Debra Watson; Evelyn Fehr; Kathy Graham; Lynda Closson; Margaret Ann Baker; Mei Ding; Surinder Kamboz; Terry Ramm
Subject: FW: Open House - Bannatyne Campus Master Plan
Importance: High


Good Afternoon,


Please print & post the attached Poster re: Bannatyne Campus Master Plan Open House dates, and pass on to all student organizations and/or student groups within your departments.  If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan Hildebrand, information provided below.


With thanks,

Laurene Davy

Dean’s Office

Ph. 474-6026


From: Jonathan Hildebrand
Sent: March-18-13 9:10 AM
To: Laurene Davy
Subject: Open House - Bannatyne Campus Master Plan


Hello Laurene,

As you may know, the university is in the process of developing a campus master plan for the Bannatyne campus. Attached is a digital poster outlining the dates of three open houses on the campus planning process. As we want to make sure that as many students as possible have a chance to attend, would it be possible to have the poster forwarded to undergraduate and graduate students in Agricultural & Food Sciences? There will also be a notice sent to all staff in the coming days.

If there's someone else in the Department that I should contact regarding this, please let me know. Many thanks!





Jonathan Hildebrand | MA, MCP

Planner | Campus Planning Office | University of Manitoba

Event Centre-3rd floor, 100-One Research Road | Winnipeg, MB  R3T 6E3 | 204-272-1511