I am forwarding this on behalf of Yang Lin:


From: Yang Lin [mailto:liny3457@myumanitoba.ca]
Sent: January-09-15 1:42 PM
To: Martha Blouw
Subject: Graduate student association thinking about calling a study group weekly for graduate students


Hey Martha

   Would you mind sending out an email to every graduate student in our department about having a study group weekly in this term? Since several PhD students and some Master students will graduate or have their candidacy exams  in this year , we thought that it is nice to gather some students who are interested in and devote certain time on preparing their theses or their candidacy exams or whatever they feel need to study. Whoever will be interested could email me liny3457@myumanitoba.ca or show up on the first study meeting (6-8 pm on Thursday, Jan 15, 2015 at the plant science lunch room). And from there, we could discuss future weekly studying time. There is a potential chance to have another morning study time (9-11 am) during weekday.





