Dear Graduate students,
Hope that everyone is doing well and safe. This email is a gentle reminder of tomorrow's seminar and graduate student meeting with candidate.
"Friday, August 7, 2020 – Dr. Ajay Kumar, Post-doctoral Research Scientist, Durum Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program in the Department of Plant Sciences at NDSU, Fargo, USA

“Wheat Breeding for Future Food Security: A Multi-disciplinary and Collaborative Approach”

Graduate student meeting with Dr. Kumar at 4:00 PM
Both of these meeting is really important for both students and departments. You feedback will help the search committee to select the right candidate who will share significant contribution to the department. Hopefully you understand the importance of this meeting and by considering this importance, please join both of these meeting.
If you have any question, let me know please.
Graduate representative
Cereal breeder search committee