-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Important Event Announcement
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 06:23:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Michele Nicholson <nicholson_michele@yahoo.com>
To: undisclosed recipients: ;

Please forward this on to all faculty and students.

Hi there,

On Wednesday, March 2nd from 12:30-4:30 will be the 2nd Annual MEIA Environmental Career Fair at the University of Winnipeg's Duckworth Centre. The event brings together students from across Manitoba and from various fields of study to connect with professionals from a diverse representation of environmental organizations, including government, private sector, NGOs, and academic to give students an opportunity to gain valuable insights that they can use to plan their careers and move forward in their educational journeys.  There will be fifty exhibition booths including organizations such as Global Wind Group, Environment Canada, Bird Studies Canada, Manitoba Hydro, Maxxam Analytics, Number TEN Architectural Group, Climate Change Connection, and many, many more.  The event also features 16 one-hour breakout information sessions on many different topics including Arctic research, graduate studies, Aboriginal careers, remediation, and finance/environmental innovation, among others. 

This event is FREE and open to students of all levels and programs, including high school, post-secondary, and graduate, and from any educational institution in Manitoba. Students from all faculties at the U of M are strongly encouraged to attend.  People who wish to register (optional) and reserve a spot at up to 2 breakout sessions may do so at http://envstudies.uwinnipeg.ca/.

Groups will be meeting to coordinate transportation to and from the event. 

Attached you may find the event's promotional posters.  Please share this event in lectures, powerpoint presentations, on your website and events calendar, and any other mailing list, website, or listserv that you may have access to.  Your help is greatly appreciated!

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions. 

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.


Michele Nicholson

Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours Coop) Candidate