Hello All,


Please see below for the minutes from the March 29 meeting.  Please contact me if you have any questions/comments. 





Research Grant Applications: Internal Deadlines and Research Security Changes

Academics received an email about this. Due to security concerns, researchers are now required to submit grant applications for approval by the ADRs/RLOs earlier due to greater ORS times for approval. Details are included in the email sent by the Office of the Vice-President Research and International.


Room 218 upgrades

ˇ         Dr. Fristensky presented an updated proposal with revised pricing for podium computer equipment in Room 218.  The equipment will include a computer, keyboard, mouse and webcam (high quality to enable pickup of voices in the room).

ˇ         The advantage to using the podium computer is that it will be configured to utilize the built-in room speakers.

ˇ         Equipment will be secured by a bracket. 

ˇ         Motion carried to approve the podium computer equipment proposal with the inclusion of a security bracket.


Seed storage

ˇ         A new Safe Work Procedure (SWP) will be in place for the seed storage at the Point as of March 31, 2023. This date may be adjusted dependent upon the thaw.

ˇ         Access to the building will be for the purpose of retrieving material only, with a maximum time limit of 15 minutes per visit.  Working in the building is not permitted.

ˇ         Under normal circumstances, the seed storage would likely have three to five years of service left.  If the water level is high enough this year, the building may have to be decommissioned. 

ˇ         Shipping containers to store seed have been ordered for the Point.


ˇ         Dr. Entz has moved the Glenlea archive material to the Glenlea Research Station. He reported that very little seed has been removed from the seed storage building.

ˇ         Dr. Cattani asked that material be at least moved to the north end of the building to take weight off the south end, however, that could still leave material in danger.  Critical material should be moved out.

ˇ         Plant Science has been granted permission to use an Animal Science shed.


Hort Storage building

Upgrades are mostly complete.


Prairie Crop and Soils Research Facility

There is potential to add a small amount of storage to the PCSRF building.




Graduate student report

ˇ         Lauren Gislason reported that the PSGSA held a graduate studies information day for undergraduate students on March 14. It was successful. They will likely hold it again in the future. Drs. Duncan and Lawley participated. 

ˇ         The PSGSA is grateful to have received notice from the Dean of increased security in the building.

ˇ         Dr. Fernando reported the Vinuri Weerasinghe won 1st prize in the Plant Pathology category at the Plant Science Graduate Student Symposium

ˇ         Plant Science graduate students are participating in a social event with other graduate students in FAFS.


Support staff report

ˇ         Becky Dueck reported that technicians are moving seed from the storage building.

ˇ         Vehicles parked along the riverbank must be moved.  Mel Kaufman has cleared snow off them.

ˇ         Mel will move seed into bulk bags.



Deletion of PLNT 7670 Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding

Dr. Brűlé-Babel taught PLNT 7670.  Since parts of this course are currently covered in Dr. McCartney‘s course PLNT 7164 Genetic Mapping in Plants and in Dr. Duncan’s course PLNT 7170 Advanced Plant Breeding, a recommendation has been made to delete PLNT 7670.  As well as removing overlap, deletion will provide Dr. Chawla with an opportunity to create a new graduate course. Motion carried to delete PLNT 7670 Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding effective academic year 2023-2024.