Happy New Year.

Sorry for the delay in getting the CanU debrief meeting notes compiled.  I have attached a word summary and the white board notes.  These will be useful for refining the Soil Science module.

We had discussed having a small CanU group within SSGSA for future offerings of the program (see notes).  At this time, I do not have any indication about the program's future but it would be a reasonable expectation that it would continue.  I will leave it up to the SSGSA to decide how best to archive this information and have it ready for future offerings of the program.

I have sent a set of the photos in which the CanU students are shown to Amberlee.  She is to let us know which of these we could show in a public forum.  Maywood and Ahmed also took a lot of photos just showing the setup of the activities.  These will be a useful resource for future planning.

Just one further note, I gave Amberlee a list of the Soil Science students who participated in the CanU program, so they can be recognized for their work.


Dr. Paul Bullock
Professor and Head
Department of Soil Science
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-8666
Fax:     (204) 474-7642
Email:  Paul.Bullock@umanitoba.ca
Webpage: umanitoba.ca/afs/soil_science/