From: Research Agriculture
Sent: September-21-16 10:38 AM
Subject: FW: APLU CII and IAS: International Fellowship and Student Media Grant Opportunities


Good morning, the following message regarding international opportunities for current undergraduate and graduate students, is forwarded on behalf of Martin Scanlon, Associate Dean (Research).



Heather Wiebe

Confidential Secretary to the Associate Deans

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Ph: 204-474-6029




From: Alvis, Samantha [mailto:salvis@APLU.ORG]
Sent: September-21-16 9:03 AM
Cc: 'Emily Byers'; ''
Subject: APLU CII and IAS: International Fellowship and Student Media Grant Opportunities


Dear CII and IAS Members,


Please see below for announcements regarding two opportunities for students interested in international opportunities. Both opportunities are open to students from any university. Please feel free to forward this information to units that can share with students. For questions on either program, please feel free to contact the individual organizations at the contact information listed below.





Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program Informational Webinars

The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program is pleased to announce a series of informational webinars about the program and the application process for the 9th class of Fellows, which will serve Oct. 1, 2017-August 31, 2019.  


We have scheduled several webinars over the next few months with a cap of 25 participants for each, but more spaces and sessions may be added in the future depending on interest and availability. If you would like to attend a webinar information session, please sign up at Signup is first come, first served. You will receive an email from us a day or two before the date of the session with instructions for how to join the webinar.


If you cannot attend any of the scheduled webinars but would like access to a recording of one of the sessions, please send an email with the word “RECORDING” to and we will send you a link.


All the best,

The Leland Program

Congressional Hunger Center

400 North Capitol St. NW  Suite G-100 | Washington, DC 20001

Website | Twitter



The Center on Conflict and Development Student Media Grant

I just thought I would forward on some quick information regarding The Center on Conflict and Development's Student Media Grant, in case you have any Universities affiliated with the APLU that would be interested in informing their students about this opportunity.


This $5000 photojournalism grant is open to current students worldwide who are passionate about capturing an issue facing conflict-affected areas of the world through stunning photography. Students wishing to chronicle a conflict-related issue in the United States (or in their home countries) are also, of course, encouraged to apply; though all of our past winners have chosen to focus on issues overseas.

How it works: Students propose an idea based on a conflict-related issue they would like to photograph, then travel to the pertinent country or area to conduct a photoexpedition, sending photos to ConDev throughout their trip so we can help highlight their work. Upon their return, the students edit and publish their photos and stories. ConDev provides the funds, but the students are entirely responsible for planning the trip, and for producing and promoting their own photos and stories. The competition is open to current undergraduate and graduate students as well as PhDs. Students graduating in May 2017 are also eligible. The grant is funded by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation Chair on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University.


I have attached the application instructions (also available on our website), along with brief summaries of recent Student Media Grant winners. If you have any questions, please let me know!



Lino Anunciacion

Assistant Communications Manager

Center on Conflict and Development | Texas A&M University

411 Agriculture and Life Sciences Building
+1.979.458.9399 |