Dear Friends of the hUManities, 

Welcome to a new week! 

Event Recap: 
Thank you to everyone who attended Dr. Jim Hardy (University of Saskatchewan) lecture last Thursday, organized by the Power and Resistance in Latin America research cluster entitled; 'They Flattended our Milpa': Maya peasant productivity & Repression in Guatemala. This talk was recorded for folks who could not attend and will be available via the UMIH YouTube channel linked here with captions. 

Up-coming Public Lectures: 
We Don't Need Reform, We Need to Tear It Down!: A reading and conversation on prison abolition with poet-educator, Mercedes Xue mei Eng
PLC (Prison Libraries Committee) + PAO! (Prairie Asian Organizers) + UMIH 
October 28th, 2021, at 6:00 PM CT 
Join poet-educator, Mercedes Xue mei Eng reading her book Prison Industrial Complex Explodes followed by a conversation focused on prison abolition. This lecture is in collaboration with community partners Prairie Asian Organizers and the Prison Libraries Committee. There will be live ASL interpretation for this lecture. Please see the attached poster for further details and email for the Zoom link to attend. 

On Climate JusticeDr Julie Sze (University of California)
UMIH + CERG (Critical Enviromentalisms Research Group) 
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 at 12:00 PM CT.  
The UMIH is excited to invite folks to this lecture focused on climate justice presented by Dr. Julie Sze, professor of American Studies and founding director of the Environmental Justice Project at the University of California.
More details coming soon. 

Of Interest: 
Centre for Social Science Research & Policy presents a public lecture by Dr. Jesse Hajer (UM Economics & Labour Studies). 
Thursday, 21st October 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. 

Dr. Hajer will be presenting his research on social impact bonds and his recently published book co-authored with the late John Loxley entitled Social Service, Private Gain: The Political Economy of Social Impact Bonds. This talk will also examine how SIBs work, their theoretical motivation, and critically assess the potential of SIBs to constructively contribute to solving multifaceted social challenges emerging from a context of entrenched and growing inequality, with a brief reflection on the Manitoba context. Please visit this link to register for the talk. 

MOSAIC Lecture series 

Friday, October 8th - Friday, December 3rd, 2021. Via Zoom. 

Mosaic, an interdisciplinary critical journal, invites you to a series of digital lectures via Zoom. The lectures will concentrate on the flow or pace of current time, especially in relation to past time. â€‹Lectures will run from October through December via Zoom. For a list of upcoming lectures and to register please email Please also note that Registration is free but required in order to attend the lectures. Future presentations include; Dominic Pettman on Wednesday, November 3rd, Paul Huebener presenting on Monday, November 8th, Etienne Turpin & Anna-Sophie Springer on Monday, November 15th, Denise Ferreira da Silva on Friday, November 19th and more. 

Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art
Application Deadline October 27, 2021, 9 pm EDT. 
This fellowship supports an academic year of research by early-career scholars from around the world for projects that will make substantial and original contributions to the understanding of art and its history. ACLS will award up to 10 fellowships for the 2022-23 academic year, each carrying a stipend of $60,000, plus $5,000 for research and travel during the award period. More information about the program, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, is available here. Questions may be directed to

Take care, friends

Ekene Maduka

Assistant to the Director 

Institute for the Humanities 

University of Manitoba

407 Tier Building

204 474 9599