UofM Spam Quarantine Notification

The message(s) below have been blocked by your administrator as suspected spam.

There are 1 new messages in your Email Quarantine since you received your last UofM Spam Quarantine Notification. If the messages below are spam, you do not need to take any action. Messages will be automatically removed from the quarantine after 30 days.

If you have general questions contact the Help and Solutions Centre at 204-474-8600, or by email at servicedesk@umanitoba.ca. Users may also contact the computer representative for their unit.

If any of the messages below are not spam, click the Release link to have them sent to your Inbox. To see all quarantined messages view your email quarantine.

Quarantined Email
  From Subject Date
Release "Skincell Advanced" <ahbakrb@minsto... [SPAM] Clean Skin Without Surgery 18 Dec 2022
View All Quarantined Messages(3)

Note: This message has been sent by a notification only system. Please do not reply

If the above links do not work, please copy and paste the following URL into a Web browser:

In order to access spam quarantine in NextGen portal, please copy and paste the following URL into a Web browser: