Sharon, if you only need just 20 pieces for this Saturday AM, can you run the attached off at any office (in-house) printer (double-sided and cut in half) to which you might have access? Even a home printer? Is that okay?Providing PDFs in colour and in black and white.Best!KL204.899.8687_______________________________________________On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 4:10 PM Sharon Reilly <> wrote:Hi Krishna,We would need the flyers before next Wednesday's lecture.We could also distribute 20 or so at the strike tour training session this Saturday morning.Best,SharonSharon Reilly_______________________________________________On Thu, Apr 4, 2019, 4:06 PM Krishna Lalbiharie, <> wrote:When do you need the leaflets, Sharon? Hopefully not today, which would be impossible. EEK!I can have a a bunch printed and available for the meeting on Saturday, if you like. That said, Jim has cautioned against further printing until we devise a proper advertising strategy which allows for public participation, but not at the expense of registered delegates.Let me know what's best.KL204.899.8687P.S. Working on the program ad rate sheet (apologies, Paul!), some poster drafts and the minutes this evening._______________________________________________On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 3:40 PM Sharon Reilly <> wrote:Hi Jim,We did not see this email prior to the lecture - sorry. As things turned out, however, we did not actually say very much about the Thursday night event. We will be careful in speaking about this at the upcoming lectures.We did distribute the handouts, however, to yet another full house. All the handouts are gone, in fact. Can we get more Krishna?Thank you,SharonOn Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 11:51 AM James Naylor <> wrote:_______________________________________________I know it’s last minute, but I assume that we are announcing or handing out flyers about free events? In any case, we have to be careful about the Ukrainian Labour Temple advertising because of limited capacity. We will probably have to ask members of “the public” to register to hear the keynote. I assume that the Wednesday evening will be okay since they know the issue, but given the discussion about Thursday capacity, it is perhaps best that we let people know that there is limited room, and perhaps we can lead them to our website for more information (particularly if we decide to set up a system of registration).
James Naylor
Department of History
Brandon University
270 18th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 6A9
Office: 204 727 9664
Cell: 204 720 2117
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