I'll add those, Julie.
Just to clarify: the file only listed potential keynote speakers who would not be jointly presented by the conference and the CCPA.
(if we're able to co-present a "big name" expensive keynote speaker with CCPA, that'll be great). Perhaps I should organize the
list of keynote speakers in the final version of the file into two categories: those possible only as conference-CCPA joint speakers and
those whom the conference might be able to bring in without co-sponsorship.
David Camfield
Associate Professor of Labour Studies & Sociology
116 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
phone: 204-474-9117
fax: 204-474-7869
-----Original Message-----
From: 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca ] On Behalf Of Julie Guard
Sent: November-23-17 1:45 PM
To: 1919 conference organizing committee
Subject: Re: [1919-Conference] FW: 1919/2019 conference roundtable and keynote names proposed to date
Thanks David:
I think Arundhati Roy is still under consideration as a keynote, isn't she?
Also, please add Bill Fletcher Jr. to the keynote list. Here's his website: http://billfletcherjr.com/ And of course, we'll add Baldemar Velasquez Best, julie
-----Original Message-----
From: 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca ] On Behalf Of David Camfield
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2017 10:56 AM
To: 1919-conference@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: [1919-Conference] FW: 1919/2019 conference roundtable and keynote names proposed to date
Jim asked me to re-send this file to the listserv. It unintentionally omitted one name: Baldemar Velasquez (FLOC) as a possible keynote speaker.
David Camfield
Associate Professor of Labour Studies & Sociology
116 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
phone: 204-474-9117
fax: 204-474-7869
-----Original Message-----
From: David Camfield
Sent: November-20-17 11:34 AM
To: Paul Moist; Paul Jenkins
Cc: Yaza Shapata; vdobchuk@mts.net; timgordie@mymts.net; Shannon Winters; krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com; pricescott91@gmail.com; HintherR@brandonu.ca; james_mochoruk@und.nodak.edu; Jodi.Giesbrecht@humanrights.ca; Jeff Taylor; ja.thiessen@uwinnipeg.ca; naylor@brandonu.ca; Esyllt Jones; reillysharonmarie@gmail.com; Julie Guard; sfreilly@gmail.com; wendybsol@gmail.com; gordon@mhs.mb.ca; George Buri; krishna.lalbihaire@gmail.com
Subject: 1919/2019 conference roundtable and keynote names proposed to date
Hi all,
Here is the list of names proposed thus far that I agreed to compile. Apologies for any omissions.
Some people listed under one roundtable might be suitable for another roundtable too.
For those who weren't at Saturday's meeting: we have until Dec. 31 to propose other names for consideration.
David Camfield
Associate Professor of Labour Studies & Sociology
116 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
telephone: 204-474-9117
From: Paul Moist [pmoist@cupe.ca]
Sent: November 20, 2017 10:48 AM
To: Paul Jenkins; David Camfield
Cc: Yaza Shapata; vdobchuk@mts.net; timgordie@mymts.net; Shannon Winters; krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com; pricescott91@gmail.com; HintherR@brandonu.ca; james_mochoruk@und.nodak.edu; Jodi.Giesbrecht@humanrights.ca; Jeff Taylor; ja.thiessen@uwinnipeg.ca; naylor@brandonu.ca; Esyllt Jones; reillysharonmarie@gmail.com; Julie Guard; David Camfield; sfreilly@gmail.com; wendybsol@gmail.com; gordon@mhs.mb.ca; George Buri; krishna.lalbihaire@gmail.com
Subject: RE: 1919 Listserv
Hi everyone.
Enclosed please find a bio for Phillip Jennings, the General Secretary of the global union, UNI, I mentioned him briefly on Saturday. I have met him but do not know him well, I have seen him speak and believe he would do a great job as a keynote speaker for our conference.
From: Paul Jenkins [mailto:Paul.Jenkins@umanitoba.ca ]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 10:36 AM
To: David Camfield <David.Camfield@umanitoba.ca>
Cc: Yaza Shapata <shapatay@myumanitoba.ca>; vdobchuk@mts.net; timgordie@mymts.net; Shannon Winters <Shannon.Winters@chimb.ca>; krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com; pricescott91@gmail.com; HintherR@brandonu.ca; Paul Moist <pmoist@cupe.ca>; Paul Jenkins <Paul.Jenkins@umanitoba.ca>; james_mochoruk@und.nodak.edu; Jodi.Giesbrecht@humanrights.ca; Jeff Taylor <Jeff.Taylor@umanitoba.ca>; ja.thiessen@uwinnipeg.ca; naylor@brandonu.ca; Esyllt Jones <Esyllt.Jones@umanitoba.ca>; reillysharonmarie@gmail.com; Julie Guard <Julie.Guard@umanitoba.ca>; David Camfield <David.Camfield@umanitoba.ca>; sfreilly@gmail.com; wendybsol@gmail.com; gordon@mhs.mb.ca; George Buri <George.Buri@umanitoba.ca>; krishna.lalbihaire@gmail.com
Subject: Re: 1919 Listserv
Hi again. Apologies for the confusion. To be clear, the formal listserv is being created. However, I got the impression on Saturday that some people wanted to move on things, so I decided to forward the most up-to-date list I have.
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Instructor, Department of History, &
Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director Institute for the Humanities, University of Manitoba
From: David Camfield
Sent: 20 November 2017 10:08
To: Paul Jenkins
Cc: naylor@brandonu.ca<mailto:naylor@brandonu.ca >
Subject: RE: 1919 Listserv
Hi Paul,
I've received your e-mails but I don't see a listserv address (e.g. 1919conference-l@umanitoba.ca<mailto:1919conference-l@ umanitoba.ca >)
In my view, we need a real listserv on the U of M system, not a string of addresses.
David Camfield
Associate Professor of Labour Studies & Sociology
116 Isbister Building
183 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2
telephone: 204-474-9117
From: Paul Jenkins
Sent: November 20, 2017 10:02 AM
To: Paul Jenkins
Cc: Yaza Shapata; vdobchuk@mts.net<mailto:vdobchuk@mts.net >; timgordie@mymts.net<mailto:timgordie@mymts.net >; Shannon Winters; krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com<mailto:krishna.lalbiharie@ gmail.com >; pricescott91@gmail.com<mailto:pricescott91@gmail.com >; HintherR@brandonu.ca<mailto:HintherR@brandonu.ca >; pmoist@cupe.ca<mailto:pmoist@cupe.ca >; Paul Jenkins; james_mochoruk@und.nodak.edu<mailto:james_mochoruk@und. nodak.edu >; Jodi.Giesbrecht@humanrights.ca<mailto:Jodi.Giesbrecht@ humanrights.ca >; Jeff Taylor; ja.thiessen@uwinnipeg.ca<mailto:ja.thiessen@uwinnipeg. ca >; Naylor@brandonu.ca<mailto:Naylor@brandonu.ca >; Esyllt Jones; reillysharonmarie@gmail.com<mailto:reillysharonmarie@ gmail.com >; Julie Guard; David Camfield; sfreilly@gmail.com<mailto:sfreilly@gmail.com >; wendybsol@gmail.com<mailto:wendybsol@gmail.com >; gordon@mhs.mb.ca<mailto:gordon@mhs.mb.ca >; George Buri; krishna.lalbihaire@gmail.com<mailto:krishna.lalbihaire@ gmail.com >
Subject: 1919 Listserv
Hi all.
You may already have received a version of this morning, but I was having trouble with Krishna's email. Things are looking pretty tidy on my end, but there are a range of email account types (e.g. mts, gmail, cupe), so there may be some variance in encryption, etc.
Paul Jenkins, PhD
Instructor, Department of History, &
Program Developer/Coordinator & Assistant to the Director Institute for the Humanities, University of Manitoba _______________________________________________
1919-Conference mailing list
http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/1919- conference
1919-Conference mailing list
http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/1919- conference