UMFA’s newsletter to members, UMFA Fast Facts 6 November 2018, includes this item. I thought you would want to know.






This conference commemorates the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, a landmark moment in North American working-class history. In May and June that year, some 30,000 workers ceased work for six weeks. Provoked by the inequities of industrial capitalism, the authoritarianism of their workplaces, the brutal experiences of the First World War, rising prices and stagnating wages, an insecure economic outlook, intransigent employers, and a federal state that responded to their demands with growing repression, the city’s workers stood together in an astounding display of unity. This conference explores the history and continuities of those struggles, many of which continue to confront us today.

The conference is part of an extensive program of commemorative activities planned for spring 2019. More information can be found on the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s website:

The conference website is Registration will begin soon. Please plan to attend!



Julie Guard, Professor, History and Labour Studies

117 Isbister Building

University of Manitoba

183 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
