Honourary degrees at UW conferred at a Special Convocation at any time, so it could be presented at Bragg at the conference itself. We could also approach UW about funding Bragg as a potential Axworthy Distinguished Lecturer on Social Justice and the Public Good: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/class/axworthy-lecture-series.html.  (Jane Goodall is a previous Axworthy Lecturer who received her honourary degree from UW at a Special Convocation.)

From: 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca <1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca> on behalf of Janis Thiessen <ja.thiessen@uwinnipeg.ca>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:07:17 PM
To: 1919 conference organizing committee
Subject: Re: [1919-Conference] WGSCC Meeting - Monday, July 16

Info on UW honourary degree application process:


From: 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca <1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca> on behalf of Tim <timgordie@mymts.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 10:37:06 PM
To: 1919 conference organizing committee
Subject: Re: [1919-Conference] WGSCC Meeting - Monday, July 16
I can be there.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2018, at 10:51 AM, James Naylor <Naylor@BrandonU.CA> wrote:

Hello all,

I hope everyone is enjoying summer.  

The next meeting of the Winnipeg General Strike Conference Committee will be on MONDAY, JULY 16 at 1:30 p.m.  This seems to be the date and time that fits everyone’s schedule who is around that week and who responded to me.  We will meet in our regular space — The Oral History room at the University of Winnipeg (2B23).  Janis or Scott: can you make sure it’s available and open?  Thanks.

I’ll circulate an agenda when we get closer to the date of the meeting.  In the meantime, please email me with items that you think should be included.


James Naylor
Department of History
Brandon University
270 18th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 6A9
Office: 204 727 9664
Cell: 204 720 2117

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