Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that we are meeting this Saturday, March 3, at 1:30 in our usual place (2B23 University of Winnipeg).
The main reason for the meeting is to see where we are with proposals and figure out what we need to do to round out the program. You should all have access to the proposals through Dropbox. Let me know if you are having trouble. I’ve
been updating the Dropbox files, so check back.
We also want to have a discussion of the roundtables, so have a look at what the subcommittee proposed so we can begin to contact people.
Let me know if there are other items of business that we should deal with.
Thanks, and see you on Saturday.
James Naylor
Department of History
Brandon University
270 18th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 6A9
Office: 204 727 9664
Cell: 204 720 2117