Estimados colegas:

Les hago llegar la convocatoria del I Congreso Internacional sobre la Corrupción Política en la España Contemporánea (Siglos XIX a XXI).

Saludos cordiales,

Mario Boido, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Secretary, Canadian Association of Hispanists
Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON
Canada N2L 3G1
Phone: 519.888.4567 ext 35621

From: Congrés Internacional sobre la Corrupció []
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 4:44 AM
Subject: International congress on political corruption in modern and contemporary Spain

Please distribute among members of your association. Many thanks.

Dear friends, 

Here attached a Call for papers (versions in English, Spanish and Catalan) of the First International congress on political corruption in modern and contemporary Spain (19th to 21st centuries), which will take place in Barcelona between the 14th and 15th December 2017. This is just to remind that the reception of communications is open until the following 27 January 2017. 

This is an initiative of the Parliamentary History Group  (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), included in the activities of the network ‘International Scientific Coordination Network (GDRI) Politics & Corruption’ and sponsored by the memory programmes’ commissioner of Barcelona city council.

For further information:

Kind regards, 
The organizing committee