Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) today reported random groping incidents near the Health Sciences Centre (HSC) although the initial report stated the three victims are all HSC employees, WPS has since confirmed that one is  a University of Manitoba student.


The University of Manitoba wants to ensure the safety and security of the university community. Security Services takes this opportunity to remind everyone on our campuses of a number of useful safety precautions:


·     Stay alert to your surroundings, trust your instincts and, if you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave immediately. The best prevention is precaution.

·     One of the most successful deterrents to street crime is the buddy system. A lone person is the best target for a criminal. Travel in pairs or with a group whenever you can.

·     Be aware of your surroundings and don’t use unfamiliar shortcuts to save time.

·     Plan a safe route and stick to it.

·     Stay on busy, well-lighted streets.

·     Walk in the middle of the sidewalk.

·     Set boundaries and keep a safe distance from strangers on the street.

·     Walk facing traffic so you can see approaching cars.

·     If you are being followed, change directions and head for a populated area.


Security Services offers the following safety initiatives:


·      24/7 full time security presence through Security Services.

·      CCTV camera coverage.

·      The recently expanded Safewalk program is available on both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses. Students, staff and visitors can request a Safewalk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As part of the program, Security Services will accompany an individual from one university location to another, to their vehicle or to a bus stop on university property. Requests for a Safewalk can be made by calling 204-474-9312.


More information is available off the Security Services home page.


More information on sexual violence support and education at the U of M can be found here.