Dear students,
As you know, Winnipeg has now moved to the Critical (Red) level in the Province of Manitoba’s Pandemic Response System. The message sent to you earlier today highlights the
changes and additional measures put in place at UM to prevent community transmission of COVID-19.
I want to reiterate key points shared in today’s message:
All currently approved in-person teaching activities will continue.
All but absolutely essential common spaces and lunch spaces on our campuses are closed.
If you must go to one of our campuses, limit your time to essential activities only.
Study spaces will
remain open except for those located in the Libraries.
If you have questions about these changes you are encouraged to reach out to your faculty, college, or school.
Your health, well-being and academic success are important to us. As we navigate this challenging time together remember that there are many
supports, resources and services available to you. For example, the University Health Services (UHS) Bannatyne clinic is now open and accepting in-person appointments from students.
For those of you who are required to come to one of the UM campuses, self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms or exposures before you leave using this questionnaire as your guide:
If the checklist advises you not to enter, stay home, isolate and refer
to the online COVID-19 Screening Tool by clicking
here or call Health Links – Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll free at 1-888-315-9257 for
further guidance.
For more information on our protocols, services and supports, please visit:
Indigenous students
Elders at UM are here to offer their support and can be reached via email or phone.
Indigenous Student Centre advisors and program coordinators are also available for phone appointments and/or to answer questions via email. To book an appointment with an Elder or advisor, call 204-474-8850 or email
Additional resources for Indigenous students, including some faculty-specific resources, are available on the COVID-19 Indigenous
student support page.
Students with disabilities
Student Accessibility Services also has many resources and supports available.
If you are required to attend classes on campus and need academic accommodation(s) and/or accessibility supports, please contact them at 204-474-7423 or by emailing
International students
International Student Advisors are happy to provide international students with information and support specific to your personal situation. To book an email or pre-scheduled Zoom
appointment, email from
your UM student email account ( and include your full name and UM student number.
Current international students are also invited to join the UM International Centre and fellow students for a video chat
on Zoom every Thursday. Email for more information.
Additional resources for international students are available on the International
Centre website and COVID-19 international
student supports page.
Thank you everyone for continuing to do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 on our campuses and in our community. Your commitment and resilience continue to inspire me.
All my best,
Laurie M. Schnarr, MA
Vice-Provost (Students)
Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
University of Manitoba
208 Administration Building
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Tel: 204.474.6919
Confidential Assistant - Marci Davies 204.474.6917
Student Affairs: Creating opportunities for student success!
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of
the Métis Nation.
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