Wi-Fi update may prompt you to accept the new certificate
Wi-Fi update may prompt you to accept the new certificate The University of Manitoba is issuing a new certificate for our uofm-secure wireless network on January 25 at 10:00 p.m. Following the update, some devices will automatically upgrade to the new certificate, while others will be unable to connect to the wireless network until you accept the new certificate. Action required You may be prompted to accept a new certificate when connecting to uofm-secure after January 25. Please select the appropriate button to complete your connection:
Example: Wi-Fi "Certificate" dialogue box in iOS. Cant connect? If your laptop or mobile device stopped connecting, remove the existing wireless network by telling your device to "forget" the uofm-secure network and add it again from the list of available networks. Sign in with your UM email address and password. Then accept the certificate when prompted. Instructions to forget or connect to wireless networks for:
Please do not hesitate to contact the IST Service Desk at 204-484-8600 or chat if you have any questions. |
Thank you,
Service Desk Information Services & Technology University of Manitoba 123 Fletcher Argue 230 Neil John MacLean Library 204-474-8600 Servicedesk@umanitoba.ca
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