Description: U of M Health 101: October, 2012


October's U of M Health 101 is now ready - check it out online at -

First, be sure to enter to win $1,000 - and check out what's happening this month:


Description: U of M Health 101: October, 2012

Train Your Brain
How staying active can lead to better grades this year

Sucrose, Glucose or Fructose?
Eat Right NOW: Answers to your most common nutrition questions

The Drinking Myth
You'll be shocked to find out what's true and false about students and alcohol

Still Fetching Coffee?
How to jump-start your career with a meaningful internship now

UCookbook: Vegetarian Dishes Everyone Will Love

FitnessU: Building Stamina and Lung Capacity


Thanks for your time,

Marcia Davies
Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students)
Student Affairs, University of Manitoba


Student Affairs  creating opportunities for student success