To all students, thank you for your patience during the introduction of the
Aurora Student system. While I believe many students had a very positive first
experience with the new system, some students experienced difficulties in
registration and fee assessment and may have experienced delays in seeking
assistance. Please accept our apologies for this and know that university staff
has worked very hard to provide the assistance you need. Please read the
important information below regarding prerequisite checking; repeats and
equivalent courses, and how these affect your grade point averages; and
withdrawing from courses while on hold.
Reminder: Revision deadline for Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term courses
is September 20 (12 midnight).
Do you have the Prerequisites for your Classes?
During the recent registration period you were permitted to register in courses
provisionally if you were enrolled in the prerequisite course during Summer
Session or if you had only interim high school grades on your record.
As well, although the Aurora system was set up to check for prerequisites, in the
case of some courses students may have been permitted to register without the
published prerequisite.
Faculties and schools responsible for teaching your courses may be checking to
ensure that students have the appropriate prerequisite grades and may withdraw
students who do not meet published requirements. It is your responsibility to
be aware of and meet course prerequisites. If the faculty responsible for
teaching your courses does not remove students who do not meet prerequisites,
students who choose to remain in affected courses do so at their own risk.
Withdrawal after September 20 from courses for which you do not have the
prerequisite will be subject to the published deadlines and rules for fee refund
and voluntary withdrawal.
If you are unsure of your course prerequisites, please consult the Aurora Student
catalog of courses or discuss this matter with your faculty student advisor.
Are you repeating a course?
Please be reminded that the University of Manitoba has introduced two new
rules with respect to repeated courses.
First, the grade that will count toward your cumulative grade point average
(cgpa) and your degree grade point average (dgpa) is the grade from the last
Note: This policy affects calculation of the cgpa and dgpa, but does not
change the calculation methods normally used for admission purposes.
You must consult the Admission Application Information for the faculty
or school you will be applying to to determine how repeated courses are
treated for admissions purposes.
- For information on how this policy affects your past grade point
averages consult the Registrars Office website at
> Transcripts and Verifications > Pre and Post September 2006
Second, there is a new limit on the number of times you may repeat a course.
You may now repeat a course only once for credit.
Is a course you are taking equivalent to another you have taken?
As stated above, some courses overlap content and, although they are offered
under different titles and course numbers, they are considered equivalents. In
this first registration period, the Aurora system was unable to block registrations
in some equivalent courses. Regardless of whether the system was able to block
registrations, such courses are still considered equivalent and you will only be
able to hold credit in your program for one of these credits. As these courses are
considered repeats, the credit and grade form the last attempt will be the one that
counts. This attempt will also count as your last allowable attempt in the course
Read the Calendar Course Description
To ensure that you are taking courses that you are academically prepared to take
and that fit into your current program, please refer the course descriptions in the
printed 2006-2007 Undergraduate or Graduate Calendar, or check the course
description online in the Aurora Student Catalog of Courses.
Withdrawal while on hold.
Aurora Student will not permit a student to withdraw a course while you are on
hold. If you are on hold and must drop one or more of your courses, please
contact the Registrars Office or the Cashiers Office. The hold will be
temporarily lifted to permit the course withdrawal.
Neil Marnoch
Registrar, University of Manitoba
400 University Centre
Ph: 474-9425
Fax: 275-2589