UM students,

Congratulations on your enrollment here at UM! We're looking forward to seeing you in the new school year.

As part of your Orientation, you're expected to read the Back-to-School issue of Student Health 101, and complete the wellness survey within Student Health 101.





The survey will help us put the best resources in place for you and your classmates in the Fall. You'll find the wellness survey within Student Health 101.

Here's the link to Student Health 101, including the wellness survey:

The Back-to-School issue has some great articles including:


The Roommate Survival Guide
The secrets of being a great roommate - and take the quiz to learn what kind of roommate you are!

Think you know what professors really expect?
Think this article to learn their secrets and how to get ahead!

Proven Ways to Put Time on Your Side
Master these time management skills to relieve your stress and find balance on campus.

The 5 Habits of Healthy Students
Learn how students are using these 5 secrets to ace their classes and make it look easy.


Find the Workout That's Right for You
There are 3 key ingredients that need to be part of every workout plan...learn them today.

Unlock the mysteries behind credit cards
We all need credit...but how can you graduate with a great credit score? Learn the secrets today.


Starting in September, you'll receive monthly Student Health 101 issues through e-mail, with great articles to help you get the most out of your time on campus - and don't miss the chances to win great prizes along the way!

Start reading today - and be sure to complete the wellness survey today.




Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success