
MacBook Pro Battery Woes  

Mac 911 Tip of the Week  

Another year, another iPhone. 

Reader Bill Grant has a problem with power, specifically the battery 
in his MacBook Pro. He writes:

"Recently, my MacBook Pro has been 
behaving strangely. I charge the battery over night, yet the battery 
menu constantly flickers between estimating a fully-charged state and 
telling me that the battery isn't charging. When running from battery 
power, I see a readout of about half full and then the computer shuts 
off abruptly. Any idea what's going on?" 

It's quite likely you have a bad battery. From the Apple menu, choose 
About This Mac and then click the More Info button in the resulting 
window. When System Profiler appears, select the Power entry and 
eyeball the Health Information entry. If, under Condition, it says 
"Check Battery," that battery is probably on the fritz. 

Fortunately, these batteries are under an extended replacement program 
as they're defective. Apple has issued a document that outlines 
symptoms a defective battery might exhibit as well as a link to a 
software update that can fix some battery issues. 

If the software fix doesn't work, you should follow the document's 
advice and contact Apple about having the battery replaced.