
“I was an iPad skeptic”

Ars staff reflects on three years of tablets post-iPad. "I could live without it, but I'd rather not."

It's hard to believe that the iPad and the hundreds of tablets that arrived in its wake have been around for only three years. On April 3, 2010, Apple released the original iPad to the public, kicking off a whirlwind of innovation in a space that was previously known only for niche, experimental, and downright odd products. One could still argue that the iPad—and other tablets like it—are meant for a niche audience, but it's clear that tablets as we know them today have struck a chord with the masses. Apple alone has sold 100 million iPads as of October 2012.

It feels like modern tablets have been around a lot longer, but three years is still nothing to sneeze at. Reflecting upon the last three years of tablet mania, the Ars staff and contributors began to share stories about how our iPads or other tablets have changed how we interact with our devices and the Internet. Most of us were heavy tablet skeptics when the iPad was first announced, and some of us still are. So in honor of the three-year anniversary of the iPad, we decided to share some of our experiences with you on how our lives have changed—or how they haven't, depending the case.

Tablets have earned a place in our lives

Nate Anderson, Deputy Editor:

I was definitely a tablet skeptic—I can use my laptop to do anything a tablet can do! What a waste to get an extra device! But I eventually picked up an iPad anyway and learned four lessons. First, the utility of technology isn't simply about end results but about the process of obtaining them. My three-year-old can barely use a mouse, much less open a laptop and launch programs—but she has no problem swiping her way through the unlock screen, flipping through screens of apps, launching her educational games, playing them, quitting them, launching other games, and shutting off the device when finished. Sure, many of the same programs could run on the laptop as well, but even so, they would remain inaccessible to her for a few a more years. My kids are tablet power users who already understand concepts like code updates ("Dad, see if there are any new levels out for Cut the Rope!") and crashes ("This program is broken. I'm going to try another one").

Second, the power of tablets exceeded my expectations. Tablets looked at first like decent consumption devices for books, music, and video—and indeed they were often described in those terms. But even the imprecision of a touch interface was soon put to use for more creative ends. While few creation apps on tablets can match pro tools on computers, they can at least throw open creative possibilities to millions of amateurs—and for just a few bucks an app. When I watch a five-year-old and her friend create their own princess cartoon, complete with hand-drawn backgrounds, animation, music, and narrative voiceover—all without any help—I think back to all the things I wanted to try when I was kid (claymation stop-motion animation of giant monsters!) and marvel at just how powerful creative tools now are.

Third, many people actually prefer locked-down computing environments. My parents have both picked up iPads in their retirement and use them constantly, even shooting video and sending it to relatives. This never once happened when doing so required using a camera, hooking that camera up to the computer, uploading footage, compressing it, and e-mailing it out. And they are largely free of worries about malware or the complications of the Windows desktop. For people who largely need consumption apps and a Web browser, the security advantages and simplicity of tablets are features, not bugs.

Finally, I find using the tablet a more soothing experience. This is unlikely to be a universal feeling, but as someone who spends my entire day at a computer using a mouse-and-keyboard, my hands welcome a chance to do something different and my back welcomes a chance to recline on the couch. But there's a mental component, too. Cracking open my laptop in the evening presents me with windows holding to-do lists, open browser tabs for in-progress stories, instant messages, e-mail, and book projects. In short, I feel like I've just returned to the office. Using a tablet feels, however illogically, like being at home.

Eric Bangeman, Managing Editor:

Laptop neglect. That's the best way to describe how the iPad has changed my computing habits since its introduction three years ago. Before the iPad, my MacBook was an all-purpose device, used all over the house for all sorts of tasks. Since I purchased my first iPad, my MacBook is now a single-purpose machine, used only for work. If I was sitting on the couch, I'd have my laptop with me maybe a quarter of the time. Now, I've got my iPad 100 percent of the time.

In addition to displacing my laptop, the iPad has also been chasing paper out of my house. I buy and read books on the iPad. I'm an avid magazine reader, and as Sports Illustrated, The Economist, Rugby World, and The Atlantic have come out with full-featured digital editions, I've let my print subscriptions lapse. I'm also much happier reading The New York Times via its iOS app than manipulating large pieces of paper. And the apps leave more room in the recycling bin for things like empty beer cans and wine bottles.

Has it revolutionized my life? No, it's just a tablet. But it has made content consumption a lot more convenient for me. Watching TV with my iPad, I can answer nagging questions like which season of30 Rock David Schwimmer appeared in, and then browse Facebook during a commercial break. It's also a way to take little mental vacations: I can zone out for a few minutes and play a mindless iOS game or browse the 730-page funny pictures thread in the Lounge.

I could live without it, but I would rather not.

Sean Gallagher, IT Editor:

My home is now a three iPad household: Me, the technologist/early adopter/occasional hacker; my wife, the librarian and mediavore; and my 18-year-old son, the musician and recording engineer. My daughter, the 12-year old, uses a second-hand Samsung Galaxy Tab for texting and games.

The Galaxy Tab gets used more than all the iPads combined. That may say more about the user than the devices, but it also has to do with form factor.

As an early adopter (well, not too early—I waited for the iPad 2), I tried to push the boundaries of what the iPad could do. I often used it instead of a notebook for distinctly notebook-like things, courtesy of a Bluetooth keyboard. Using Mail, the iWork apps, Skype, and a couple of other apps, it was my mobile office. Its size was more amenable to use on an airplane with the Belkin keyboard and folio than my aging Toshiba Satellite. But since I've gotten the MacBook Air, I use it a lot less for those things, and I use my iPhone more because of its size. Now my iPad is more of an e-reader and a Netflix platform than work station. I've considered handing it down to my daughter because it spends more time in a drawer than anywhere else.

My wife uses her iPad to read e-galleys—early reader e-editions of upcoming books. It has reduced the clutter of books around the house. Her library system has started to try to get librarians to use the iPad as a reference tool, allowing them to wander the floor and help patrons find the books they want. That effort still has some kinks in it, since the iPads only have access to the public Wi-Fi and thus the same catalog system as patrons use. (Sadly, it's one that can't tell them the circulation status of a book as well as the computers on their desks.)

My 18-year old uses the iPad and GarageBand to do rough compositions of songs, to play with ideas, and as a personal practice amp for electric guitar. The iPad has become a staple of live sound, with apps that allow an engineer to adjust board levels wirelessly from anywhere within a venue. He also uses it for social media and to check his e-mail. But his needs exceed the iPad's grasp; he would rather lug the iMac I handed down to him around because it runs ProTools.

My daughter is the most tablet-focused of all of us. She takes her Galaxy Tab to school, collects video for reports, plays games, watches videos, and uses a program called Text + to send friends SMS messages. Her school uses Google Apps, so she collaborates on Google Drive docs for her projects. The Galaxy Tab is her constant companion, largely because she doesn't have a smartphone or a dedicated personal computer like the rest of us—and because the Galaxy Tab is more portable than the iPad.

Florence Ion, Reviews Editor:

The iPad first debuted when I was working at an Apple-centric publication, but back then I was incredibly skeptical. I had just invested in a MacBook Pro and was kind of irked at the idea that I had to switch up my lifestyle to accommodate this new… thing. Now tablets are as ubiquitous as smartphones, and although it’s not necessary to have one, it’s certainly feels essential. I now have three in my household: a third-generation iPad, a 32GB Nexus 7, and a Microsoft Surface with Windows RT. One is always within arm’s reach, but it’s usually the iPad that I pick up when I’m in the mood to consume content.

I started my career in the world of print and continue to be a huge evangelist of the medium. But as technology progresses, I’ve realized that I have to change the way I consume it, too. So far, only the iPad has been able to deliver the kind of magazine experience I’d expect in this new “digital age.” New issues are delivered to me via Newsstand, and I can easily flip through pages, click on interactive content, and navigate to the websites offering the products I’m interested in. I also appreciate that some publishers offer both print and digital subscriptions so that I can access those issues but still have the actual magazine at home to collage and snip from. Adobe has even made it easier for publishers to push their issues through to the iPad. For the most part, I no longer have to store any physical magazines. I have access to every issue I’ve ever paid for, as it’s all linked to my iTunes account.

It’s also my primping and cooking companion: I’ll use it to stream Spotify while I’m getting ready for a night out, and refer to Evernote while I’m trying out a new recipe in the kitchen. While it hasn’t replaced my Kindle for reading e-books (the E Ink is easier on my eyes), I’m not sure I ever want to live without it again, even if I only mostly use it to read magazines.

Jon Brodkin, Senior IT Reporter:

I've been using tablets regularly since the iPad 2 came out, and it has completely changed my "leisure-time" computing—and it has even had some small influence on my work computing. While I'm still attached to a traditional computer during regular business hours, I now use a tablet for the majority of my time spent browsing the Web or writing short e-mails at night and on the weekends.

This holds true for both personal and work things, which can often feel like one and the same. Being tech-obsessed, I'm constantly reading news or Twitter on a tablet. (I do the same on my phone, but only if I am out of the house and thus not near my tablet.) If I find something newsworthy, I'll make a note to myself or e-mail colleagues who might be interested. Still, I have no desire to make the leap to writing articles on a tablet. If I hit the point where I'm writing an e-mail longer than a couple of sentences or am writing something for publication, I shift to a laptop or desktop. Physical keyboards are awesome!

I still see tablet holdouts argue that they don't need tablets, and that's absolutely true. Almost no one "needs" a tablet. But lots of us want them, and that's a perfectly good reason to buy one. Tablets can both replace some of the time otherwise spent on "real" computers and increase the amount of time spent computing in general. For example, I am now more likely to read long form articles, because if I see something during the day that I don't have time to read, I save it to read on my tablet at night. There are more pros than cons, but the expansion of time spent computing can be both good and bad. Even when I'm trying to read a book (on my e-reader) that tablet is right there, beckoning me, and that's not always a good thing.

Andrew Cunningham, Associate Writer:

I didn't initially see the appeal of the original iPad, which my then-employer bought for me in the pre-multitasking, pre-Notification Center, pre-multiple-Exchange-accounts dark days of iOS 3.2. When it finally arrived, iOS 4.2 helped bring the tablet into its own, and subsequent hardware and software updates (as well as a steady stream of tablet-ready apps) further convinced me that tablets could fill a niche that smartphones couldn't. However, the advent of lightweight and powerful Ultrabooks and MacBooks Air that didn't weigh much more than the iPad happened at about the same time, so if I'm traveling I typically choose the computer over the tablet.

Smaller tablets like the Nexus 7 and iPad mini change this equation. They're large enough to be good at tablet-y things, but small enough to ride shotgun in your laptop bag when you're on long trips. The Nexus 7 in particular has been a constant companion on the road in the last six months, primarily because it's a near-perfect e-reader while also being a pretty good device for checking e-mail, managing calendars, and doing general Web browsing. It would probably be hyperbole to say that tablets have changed my life, but the smaller ones at least have found a very comfortable niche in between my laptop and my smartphone that I'd hate to see unfilled.

Jonathan Gitlin, Contributing Writer:

I won't deny it—when Apple announced the iPod, and later the iPhone, I was a skeptic. I didn't see the point, and I didn't want to be the first on the block to own either of the shiny new gadgets. The iPad, though, was different. PDFs no longer needed printing out. It had the perfect form factor for reading comics. Ten-hour battery life meant that needing a laptop on a plane for entertainment was a thing of the past. Those first few months saw me use it for note-taking in meetings, a task made slightly harder due to the constant stream of questions from colleagues about the new device: "Is that an iPad?" "Can you really type on it?" "Are you from the future?" A work-issued MacBook Air means I don't use it for meetings as much anymore, although with double the battery life and built-in connectivity thanks to LTE, I still break out the iPad from time to time.

Primarily though, it's a content consumption device for me. It keeps me occupied on my daily WMATA commute, and it streams familiar NPR stations in unfamiliar hotels. A transition to digital magazines means I no longer need to wait five or six weeks to get the most recent issue from the UK, and the only physical books I buy any more are coffee table sized. An upgrade to an iPad 3, with its retina display, has made reading comics or scientific papers a joy, and streaming Netflix or DirecTV in bed is a breeze. Yes, the keyboard is a pain to type with. Yes, it can be a little bit heavy when reading one-handed, but no more so than a hardback. Trying to read outside in the sun doesn't always work well, but when it's 2am and the lights are off it's a different story.

Happy Birthday, iPad. I can't wait to see what the next three years will bring.

Chris Lee, Associate Writer:

I confess to having always wanted something tablet-like, so I purchased an iPad pretty early on. My use has varied with time, because it depends on what I am doing. To put it in context, almost every article I wrote for Ars between mid 2011 to mid 2012 was produced on an iPad. Even now, I do almost all my drafting on the iPad, simply because of where and when I do my writing. Without the iPad, my output for Ars Technica would be about a 10th of what I manage now.

I took notes on the iPad when I worked in the lab, which was much easier than using a laptop: it was quick to draw diagrams, take data, and graph data. Basically, everything that would normally go into a paper lab book could be done on the iPad, with the added benefit of having searchable text.

On the train, I can edit papers (independent of whether I get a seat or not), read papers, and do basic analysis. For instance, I recently derived all the equations required for some new research on my iPad on the train, something that simply cannot be easily done on a laptop, because you need to be able to write and draw freehand (or at least I do if I am going to derive stuff).

For pleasure, I do a lot of reading on the iPad, but I am not dedicated to it. My son has a Kindle that I use, and I also use my phone for reading as well as paper books. On that note, my son's high school has suggested that he be given either a laptop or a tablet for school work. It's not required, but there are special circumstances that led to his school recommending this. It's likely that we'll get a tablet for him, since that will offer more flexibility in his use case than would a cheap laptop. In addition to completing school assignments, he can rent e-books from the local library and read the content on his Kindle. He can also use it for Web browsing and e-mail.

As with all things, my iPad use fluctuates. And because the one I own is an iPad 1, I've been experiencing crashes (I don't remember crashes at all in the first year) and slow application start-up times. There are now some things I avoid doing on the iPad (general Web browsing, for instance). Sadly, I will have to upgrade soon.

Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor

Despite being the Apple editor here at Ars, I almost never want to buy things right away when they're introduced. This attitude toward spending doesn't line up well with my job as someone who also reviews new products, so when the first iPad came out I picked one up on launch day in order to get the Ars review started. Back then, I didn't expect it to make much of a dent in the way I normally did things; I would typically work all day in my office but use my laptop a lot at nights, on the weekends, or while traveling. My laptop was the machine to use when I wanted to relax and surf the Internet or complete personal projects, but once the iPad made its way into my life, things changed.

Nowadays, I almost never open up my laptop on the weekends, and I never bring it with me on vacation. This is in stark contrast to just a few years ago when I wouldn't dream of leaving the house without it, but I don't need it for most trips anymore thanks to the iPad. I also do all my casual Internet surfing on it as well. I find that reading feels much more natural on the iPad compared to a computer, meaning it's a good device for me to use when I'm catching up on all the long form online content I neglected during the day. I also read e-books on my iPad (despite preferring the Kindle) simply because my iPad is more accessible to me more often.

The iPad has essentially made it possible for me to find more balance in my life while also making it more enjoyable to consume different kinds of content. If my iPad were stolen or lost today, I would replace it without question.

Still a skeptic

Not everyone on staff feels like the iPad—or one of its competing Android or Windows equivalents—has made a dent in their lives. Here are the stories from those staffers who think the modern tablet has a way to go before it earns a permanent spot in their bags.

Lee Hutchinson, Reviews Editor:

My life has no room for anything like a tablet. When I'm out of the house, I have a smartphone for my pocket and an Ultrabook for when I'm carrying a backpack. When I'm in the house, I have more computers all around me than I have any idea what the hell to do with (including one that provides content to my TV). I realize I'm firmly in the "angry nerd" demographic and that others have different lives and opinions—my wife loves her iPad and uses it constantly, even when she's sitting at her main computer doing other things—but I just don't use them.

I've got quick and easy reviews editor-style access to tablet devices from just about anyone that makes them, and of course I have spent plenty of time on Android and iOS tablet devices, but never for more than the length of a review. If I won an iPad or a Nexus 7 in a contest, I'd give it away.

Jason Marlin, Technology Director:

Despite dying to be "paradigm-shifted" by the reality distortion field when the first iPad came out, I still don't enjoy using tablets. I have given significant time to 3 tablets now (2 iPads and a Samsung Galaxy Tab). Sadly, the main things I use these devices for are to: a) ensure that arstechnica.comworks on them, and b) play Pandora for vast stretches of time for my toddler daughter at bedtime. Indeed, the battery life for multimedia purposes is the main thing I find useful. Video for long flights comes to mind.

For the most part, the OSes go un-updated and the devices go unloved. I'm not sure why I haven't been able to make tablets work–maybe it's my 1974 birth vintage. Maybe it's the size and weight of them, or maybe it's that I'm a power user at heart. I think there's a productivity gap that many of us have yet to cross with tablets. I hold out hope for innovations like projected keyboards and flexible displays!

Lee Aylward, Lead Developer:

I was excited for the iPad to come out and even waited in line on launch day for one. I used it regularly on the couch or in bed, mostly for movies or Web browsing. After about a month I got tired of dealing with its limitations. Specifically, it's picky about video formats, certain sites run poorly on it, I can't program on it, and it's not very comfortable for me to hold while laying down.

I ended up having to keep my MacBook Air around while using my iPad, which made me realize I really didn't need the iPad. I think many of these problems have been addressed in later models, but the whole experience turned me off from tablets in general. Obviously my needs aren't typical!

In contrast, my parents getting an iPad was one of our best tech buys to date. They use it much more than their laptops since it functions perfectly fine for e-mail and the light Web browsing they do. It has cut down on tech support requests from them a ton.

Cyrus Farivar, Senior Business Editor:

About a year ago, I got an iPad as a gift from my father. He’s no luddite, but he’s not the type of person who regularly spends his free time in front of his computer, reading news and books, watching movies, or whatever else.

In the months leading up to his buying me one, we’d have conversations like this.

“I love my new iPad. It’s great! I can watch BBC News and read the New York Times while relaxing in bed.”

“But Dad, you can already do that on your laptop.”

“I know, but this is so much easier!”

Later I realized that for him, the more intuitive interface made the iPad the preferred device for consuming media. He’s not someone who does much creative work on his laptop (besides work e-mails and editing legal contracts), so when he’s relaxing, he prefers to read or watch stuff.

So that’s how I came to be the proud owner of an iPad 3 in March 2012. I got a slick, wooden cover for it and a cloth sleeve. Heck, I picked up a cheap bluetooth keyboard for it, too. Sure, the iPad is portable, but it’s not that much more portable compared to my MacBook Air—certainly not if I’m bringing the keyboard along with it.

But the more I used it, the more frustrated I became with having to access content through apps and with not having Flash. I found, for example, that some apps didn’t have iPad-friendly versions, and those that did often didn’t have the same feature set as a Web-based interface did. (And with the lack of Flash support, that means that many websites were off-limits.)

A classic example of this is Hipmunk, a great travel planning site with its simplified, easy-to-understand iPad version. But frustratingly, the app version doesn’t have an option for “multiple city” travel, which I often take advantage of in the Web version. That means I have to go back to my laptop and use the website (in all of its Flash-based glory) as it was intended.

While the iPad is great for watching movies or videos that I’ve already downloaded, the lack of Flash means that Hulu, StarTrek.com, and DailyShow.com are off-limits.

So what do I use it for? The answer is "not much." Sure, I read magazines and books on it (it’s great to load up The New Yorker and The Economist for a long, offline weekend), and have been known to tear through half a dozen Star Trek episodes on a trans-Atlantic flight. The battery life on the iPad (particularly when in Airplane Mode) easily beats the pants off my MacBook Air. But the reality is that for day-to-day work, I stick to the laptop because I know it will work as I expect.

So the sad reality is that after a year of ownership, my iPad doesn’t get used that much. I take it on trips, mainly to take advantage of the long battery life. If it’s on the coffee table or on my bedside table, I’ll grab it, but there’s rarely an instance where I actively would prefer using the iPad over my iPhone or laptop.