Sony launches Road to Zero environmental plan
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010
ImageSony Corporation has announced its Road to Zero global environmental plan. The plan includes a long-term goal of achieving a zero environmental footprint by 2050. It uses backcasting methods to set specific mid-term environmental targets for the next five years in line with that goal. 

Sony's definition of zero environmental footprint is not only limited to the neutralisation of carbon emissions, but also extends to waste and use of finite materials such as oil-derived virgin plastics. 

Targets are based on four environmental perspectives - climate change, resource conservation, control of chemical substances and biodiversity - across all product lifecycle stages, from research and development to recycling. The mid-term targets will be implemented globally across the Sony Group beginning in April 2011, and will extend through the end of fiscal year 2015 (March 2016), at which time new targets for the following five years will be set. 

"We are fully committed to putting our innovative spirit and technological expertise to use to help solve environmental challenges," said Sir Howard Stringer, chairman, CEO and president of Sony Corporation. "From the development of new materials and energy-efficient technologies, to the introduction of better processes in manufacturing and production, we will work aggressively to meet the ambitious targets we are setting for ourselves and, at the same time, establish a model for others in our industries to follow."