The following pictures were created on an iPod Touch..... (well, OK,the one on the left was an iPad... but it could have been done on an iPod Touch or iPhone, at least, Mr. Yamaoka could do it...)



Japanese artist Seikou Yamaoka creates complex and beautiful digital paintings on his iPod Touch during his commute to work. This amazing time-lapse video reveals the striking image of a woman 'painted' over three and half hours using the £1.99 app ArtStudio.

Japanese commuter paints iPod art on train to work

Artist creates a complex and beautiful digital painting on his iPod Touch during his commute to work.

12:19PM BST 20 Sep 2011
Using just his finger tips and a cheap application, Seikou Yamaoka carefully builds up strokes of colour on a 3.5-inch screen to create an image more resembling an oil painting than a digital artwork.
Speeded up footage reveals the developing image of a Japanese woman 'painted' over three and half hours using the £1.99 ArtStudio app.
The first iPod Touch was released in by Apple in September 2007 and more than 60 million devices have been sold to date.
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You can see his YouTube channel with many more videos of his drawings at:

The iTunes App Store link to the free ArtStudio Lite: the full version of ArtStudio: 

ArtStudio Features:
- available canvas sizes: 768x1024, 768x768, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 (iPad2 only), CUSTOM
- 30 BRUSHES including pencils, brushes, WET BRUSH, eraser, smudge tool, bucket fill (simple/smart, eraser), gradient fill, glow, tube, airbrush, blur/sharpen, 1px and many more…
- CUSTOM BRUSHES - just start new image with size 128x128px, and save it as custom brush!
- SELECT TOOL (rect/ellipse/lasso/magic wand/by color, add/sub/intersect, contract/expand/round corners/border/...)
- TEXT TOOL (44 fonts, settings: normal/bold/italic, left/center/right alignment, size, opacity, color)
- slots to SAVE 20 BRUSH PRESETS with names
- 17 DRAWING LESSONS (animals, human, 3d, perspective)
- lots of brush settings: size, opacity, fadeout, spacing, jitter, speed-based thickness, hard-edge, incremental and more
- real-time preview for all brushes
- simulated brush pressure
- line smoothing, antialiasing
- symmetric drawing - horizontal and vertical
- shapes: lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons (open, closed)
- quality and performance unmatched by any other app in the app store
- 6 LAYERS with options: add/new / delete / reorder / duplicate / merge / clear / transparency / visibility
- layer transformations: ROTATE/MOVE/SCALE/FLIP with multi-touch
- image transformations: rotate left/right, flip horizontal/vertical
- 9 layer blending modes: normal, multiply, add, screen, overlay, hue, saturation, color, value, difference
- preserve transparency layer mode (so you can draw only on the visible contents of a layer)
- copy/paste layer between projects
- file sharing - transfer projects between ArtStudio for iPad and iPhone
- clipboard support - copy/paste images (with transparency) from ArtStudio to other apps and vice-versa.
- multi-touch navigation with unlimited zoom
- tap-and-hold to enable eyedropper
- advanced color editing with real-time colorized RGB sliders
- UNDO/REDO system, with almost infinite number of steps
- image resize, change canvas size, crop
- filters: gaussian blur, sharpen, pixelize, add border, vignette, noise, color-to-alpha, posterize, edge detect, sepia and more...
- adjustments: brightness/contrast/exposure(gamma); hue/saturation/lightness; red/green/blue; colorize
- load/save/export to iphone gallery / import from gallery / send by e-mail
- export to PSD
- additional "QUICK MENU" with the most frequently used functions, displayed after three-finger tap
- thousands of beautiful paintings in ONLINE GALLERY

- Video Output - after you connect your iPad to TV or VGA adaptor, the canvas will be mirrored to external screen. Two settings available: "panscan" and "show pan/zoom also on external screen"