The following talk by Charlie Bedard might be of interest to Apple List members. Charlie was manager for the MacOS at Apple Computing in California from 1986 -1988 and involved in other projects at Apple from 1988 - 1990. He assures me he has kept in touch with his former colleagues there,

Below are the details of his talk.

Matthias Laucht

Title: A Personal Perspective of 30 Years of Networking

Speaker: Charlie Bedard, Engineering Manager for Integrated Systems for the Multi-service Customer Edge Business Unit (MCEBU) within Cisco in California

Time & Date: Thursday, 9 October, 1:00- 2:30 pm in 306 Buller.

former affiliations:
Bell Northern Research (Datapac & integrated services (data, voice & video) local networks) in Ottawa and California,
Apple Computing (Mac OS & searching), 
co-founder of Starlight Networks (carrying real-time video reliably across LANs),
OnLive Systems Inc. (Java based audio conferencing system using IP over the Internet)


Charlie Bedard will give an informal, interactive (questions are encouraged) presentation of his personal perspective on Computing and Networking developments over the past 30 years. He has worked in both Canada and, for the past 24 years, in Silicon Valley, California, on a variety of projects with a number of companies.

Charlie Bedard graduated from the University of Manitoba with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Computer Science in 1973 followed by an M.Sc. in Computer Science the following year in 1974.

He was seduced into working for a living by Bell Northern Research  (BNR) in 1974 and he moved to Ottawa where he was one of 5 designers of the Datapac packet switching service that went into nationwide service in August 1976. In 1979, the lure of warmer weather and the mystique of Silicon Valley sent Charlie packing off to California where he spent another 7 years with BNR. During that time, Charlie championed the concept of high speed local networks capable of carrying data, voice & video. He helped lead the development of such a system for Northern Telecom.
In 1986, he left BNR for Apple Computer where he was the manager for the Macintosh OS. He helped bring concurrent programming to the Mac. In 1988 he joined the Advanced Technology Group at Apple where he helped create new product concepts in the area of Internet searching and organization.
Continuing in his effort to either become wealthy or famous, he left Apple to co-found Starlight Networks in 1990. Starlight was a pioneer in carrying real-time video reliably across LANs. Charlie was one of the architects of the system as well as the Director of Engineering there. He left Starlight in 1996 to join OnLive Systems Inc., where he helped design and build a Java based audio conferencing system using IP over the Internet.
In 1998, Charlie was lured back into the world of 'Big Companies' when he joined Cisco Systems. There he was reunited with some former BNR colleagues in the realm of real-time packet voice & video to create IP-based products for Cisco. Today, Charlie is Engineering Manager for Integrated Systems for the Muli-service Customer Edge Business Unit (MCEBU) within Cisco.

Charlie Bedard remains neither rich nor famous. But he claims still to be having fun.