Hi folks.  The WHO launch the Global Plan for the decade of Action for Road Safety today.






Kristine Hayward  (she/her)

Physical Activity Promotion Coordinator

Population Public Health

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

2nd floor - 490 Hargrave Street (currently working from home)

Winnipeg, MB   R3A 0X7

Telephone 204 232-7546

Fax 204 940-2690

Email khayward@wrha.mb.ca

Bike racks are available in front of the building at the corner of Hargrave and McDermot.

Plan your Winnipeg Transit trip: http://winnipegtransit.com/en/navigo

Metered street parking and pay lots in the area – please note designated loading zones and spots requiring a disability permit.


Follow Winnipeg in motion on Twitter - @wpginmotion


Check out our videos on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/Winnipeginmotion


Scent Free Facility - visitors are asked to refrain from wearing perfumes/colognes/heavy-scented lotions/oils


We are located on Treaty 1 Territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation. The water we drink comes from Shoal Lake First Nation.


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