---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sobkowicz, Chris <csobkowicz@winnipeg.ca>
Date: Monday, June 8, 2015
Subject: RE: 2015 City of Winnipeg Access Awards
To: "Sobkowicz, Chris" <csobkowicz@winnipeg.ca>




Hello Everyone:


Just a quick reminder that there is only one week to our deadline of June 15th for submissions for the 2015 City of Winnipeg Access Awards.  Please feel free to pass this information along to all your associates.


I have attached a copy of the 2015 Access Awards Fillable form, along with the categories and criteria for each award.  I have also attached a copy of the 2014 Award Winners selected at our event at the MET Entertainment Centre last year.  This was a memorable gala event, which has now set the bar of proper recognition to those who use Universal Design as a major focus in the scope of their projects.  You are also invited to visit our archive of award winners over the years by visiting our website at www.aacwinnipeg.mb.ca


Please help us recognize those architects, engineers, designers, landscape architects, and owners who have successfully achieved the concepts of access for everyone.   Take a moment  to fill out a nomination form or send this information along to your associates and friends to do likewise.


Nomination Deadline is Monday June 15, 2015



Chris Sobkowicz


City of Winnipeg

Access Advisory Committee

204 986-8345
