Well – without a doubt – AT was the IDEAL form of transportation last night!

From my observations:


Bike Valet:

-          Was in a temporary location due to construction / set up challenges.

-          I estimate between 250-300 bikes ‘checked in’ to Valet when I stopped by

-          There was a bit of a line up – that moved fast

-          It was almost at capacity at 6:30


Permanent Bike Parking:

-          There are ~ 400 permanent bike ‘U’s  in clusters surrounding the entire building

-          Every ‘U’ had at least 2 bikes locked up – in every cluster ~ 800 bikes


Railings / Fencing:

-          Tons of bikes were locked to railings and fencing  - as the Bike Valet and U’s were full.

-          ~ ? 400

. . . and at one point – in early discussions – many thought 300 bike parking spots were too many!


Huge kudos to Liz Peters (CAA) who biked 12km and checked in at the Valet – am sure she was home before the drivers or transit riders were!



I noted a few things AT related that could be improved on

– IF you attended and have any SUGGESTIONS for AT improvements

– please email me jlukes@shaw.ca or to bbombers@bluebombers.com



Thank you

Janice Lukes
