Thanks for sharing Erick! 

For reference, last year Active Transportation got a D+, so we are down, though AT has consistently received a D grade since they started to track it as part of the report card in 2006. 

In Manitoba, our numbers are very close. Our surveys show about 20-25% of the students walk to school. When I ask a room full of parents, usually about 95% of them used to walk as a child....even if they live in the same neighbourhood! 

Feel free to checkout our program or get in touch to talk about this in more detail: 

Shoni Litinsky | Active and Safe Routes to School 

Green Action Centre

3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue | (204) 925-3773


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On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Erik Dickson <> wrote:

A very interesting report as we enter the home stretch of the school year. I did not realize that there was such a thing as a “D minus”; I thought after a D there was only F.

“Fewer Canadian kids are commuting by walking or biking as a new report reveals a marked decline among young people using active modes of transportation.

Active Healthy Kids Canada released its annual Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth on Tuesday, assigning a "D" grade in the category of active transportation. A "D minus" grade was given for overall physical activity levels.”

CBC News Story:


Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card:


Erik Dickson

Suite 1120 – 201 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3K6

ph: (204) 927-3444 ext. 242
fax: (204) 927-3443


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