
Sorry this is a bit slow coming out.  Here are the links to the handouts and evaluation for last weeks webinar.

The handouts for this webinar are available for download on the APBP website. To download the slides and handouts in pdf format, please go to http://www.apbp.org/?page=Webinar_Downloads.  On this page you will find handouts; the slide presentation as a pdf; the sign-in sheet to claim credit for CM and PDH; and some technical assistance documents for GoToWebinar.

We hope you enjoyed the webinar, "NTPP Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities", and found it valuable. If you haven't already done so, please take a few minutes to complete a short online evaluation at http://www.apbp.org/surveys/?id=Evaluation_Apr-12


Mark Cohoe
Bike to the Future