Interested in helping to improve transit service in our city? Functional Transit Winnipeg (FTW) is seeking applicants for board director positions. See attached for details.

Also, check out the upcoming FTW events:

1) Functional Transit Annual General Meeting
The AGM will take place on Monday, May 6th at 7:00 PM at St. Boniface Library. This is a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about FTW and what's been accomplished and what is upcoming. See (and please share) attached poster.

2) 101 Years of the Bus ft. Glen Murray and Dr. Orly Linovski
This FREE event will take place on Wednesday, May 29th from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM at The Good Will Social Club. For more info, please visit FTW's event page and please share with anyone you feel would be interested.