A Few Surprises in New Bike Scores

Richard Florida and Sara Johnson | Dec 19, 2012 

The website Walk Score announced Tuesday the extension of its "Bike Score" rankings for neighborhoods and places to 25 cities. (See The Atlantic's initial coverage of the launch.)

The cities are scored on a 100-point scale based on four factors: bike lanes, hills, destinations and road connectivity, and bike commuting mode share. It was developed in collaboration with researchers at Simon Fraser University and The University of British Columbia. Here's how the scoring breaks down.

Read the article here: http://www.theatlanticcities.com/neighborhoods/2012/12/few-surprises-new-bike-scores/4197/

**Canadian cities** – surprisingly, and rather oddly, the scores fall in the lowest category of "somewhat bikeable", even for Montreal and Vancouver, but maybe it's a function of the data provided by these municipalities (and there's no score for Winnipeg, boo! we'd do really well on the hills rating):