PBIC News Brief
September 7, 2010

Free Webinar on intersection geometry

CHAPEL HILL, NC — The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) announces the next free Webinar in its Designing for Pedestrian Safety series:

Intersection Geometry
Thursday, September 9, 2010
2:00pm-3:30pm E.T.

Presented by:
John LaPlante, Director of Traffic Engineering, T.Y. Lin International, Inc
and Keith Sinclair, Acting Assistant Division Administrator, FHWA
Connecticut Division

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Most urban pedestrian crashes occur at intersections, many of which are signalized, and are associated with turning movements. This presentation will give an overview of issues related to intersection design and geometry, and provide guidance for building intersections that slow speeds, reduce pedestrian crossing distance and reduce conflicts. Related issues will be presented, such as driver visibility and curb radii, as well as treatments that can be used to improve intersection geometry, such as curb extensions and pedestrian islands. Participants will be able to use this information to better design new intersections and retrofit existing intersections to better accommodate the needs of pedestrians and other road users.

This Webinar is the fourth part in the Designing for Pedestrian Safety series. To register for upcoming Webinars and to access archived presentations in this series, please visit www.walkinginfo.org/training/pbic/dps_webinars.cfm.

Content from the PBIC Designing for Pedestrian Safety Webinar series is drawn from the PBIC's in-person training focused on engineering solutions for pedestrian safety. The training is meant for engineers, planners, traffic safety and enforcement professionals, public health and injury prevention professionals, and decision-makers who are seeking ideas and solutions for making changes to the physical environment that improve safety for pedestrians. Detailed information on this and other training opportunities offered by PBIC can be found at  www.walkinginfo.org/training.


Connect with PBIC on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pedbike

Since its inception in 1999, PBIC's mission has been to improve the quality of life in communities through the increase of safe walking and bicycling as a viable means of transportation and physical activity. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center is maintained by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center with funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

730 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Campus Box 3430
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430
Toll Free 888-823-3997