Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg for a group viewing of the recorded February APBP webinar in the EcoCentre boardroom. This will be followed by discussion for those who wish to stay.



AT Webinar: Wed, March 20th, 2-3pm

Navigating without curbs: Accessibility on shared streets

Shared streets are becoming a common Placemaking tool for our communities. Creating streets where the curbs are removed in favor of low-speed and vibrant shared spaces creates challenges for users who have vision impairment, both in terms of identifying conflicts with other users and navigating a corridor with minimally defined edges. This webinar will explore the latest guidance in addressing the needs of persons with no or low vision in shared streets and plazas.

  • James Elliott, Toole Design
  • Elizabeth Hilton, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Infrastructure
  • Dylan Passmore, City of Vancouver
  • Janet Barlow, Accessible Design for the Blind


Beth McKechnie | Green Action Centre

3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave(204) 925-3777 x102 | Find us here

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