[ Please pass along as appropriate. Bridges like this don't get built every day. There are a heck of a lot of people who deserve to go to this bridge opening, have a sip of champagne or something and ride triumphantly across the Red. i.e. The workers who built it, anyone who attended any number of myriad meetings back in the day, all of the NWCC, the people on the consultation committee who gave their afternoons to choose, all of Bike Winnipeg's members and directors, anybody who ever rode a bike over the old Disraeli, the local people who put up with the noise during construction, the WTA, RENN-TC, anyone who lives on either side of the Red, etc.. etc.. etc... You know who you are; you all have your reasons. Details below. - Anders ] 

Description: Government of
                                        Canada, Province of Manitoba and
                                        City of Winnipeg

You are invited to the
Grand Opening Celebration of the
Disraeli Active Transportation Bridge


Thursday, October 3, 2013
10:30 a.m.


Disraeli Active Transportation Bridge,
access off Midwinter Avenue at the foot of the bridge

Map - Location and parking information

Description: Disraeli Active
                                      Transportation Bridge