Wanna go to Vienna? 

Enter a project in the Walking Visionaries Awards. See details from Florian below. 

The formal submission process is over, but a new award has been announced. 
If you have an innovative project that aims to advance pedestrian design, policy or planning, throw your name in the ring. 
You'll be in good company. Hundreds of organizations and ideas apply. Most are interesting and worthwhile. 
If your project win, you get free registration (which is not cheap), an excuse to visit Vienna and a chance to present/discuss your work to the leaders in the field (priceless). 

Take it from me: in 2013 at Velocity Vienna, CounterPoint was one of two winning entries from Winnipeg (The U of W's Bike Lab was the other) to make the cut for a similar award for cycling. It was an incredible chance to engage and partner with leaders in this field from around the world. It led to countless opportunities such as being invited to Australia. Walk21 Sydney in 2014 was an excellent conference packed with information critical to understanding pedestrian issues. The depth of things to learn is incredible. 

So.. Go for it. You might win. 
Even if you don't, but you work in this field and your boss will let you, try to attend this conference. 
You won't regret it. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Florian Lorenz <florian.lorenz@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:39 PM
Subject: Info: Walking Visionaries Awards launched
To: awards@walk21vienna.com

Dear friends peers and people interested in active transport,

This is an email to notify you about the Walking Visionaries Awards, an initiative that I am working on as member of the Walk21 Vienna Management Team.

This year Vienna, Austria will be hosting Walk21, the foremost conference about walking as a strategy to foster liveable communities and vibrant public spaces.
Within the conference we launched the Walking Visionaries Awards to
  1. invite people to share creative, visionary and bold ideas for how to foster more walkable spaces and thereby build a reference collection to inspire people to work together towards more walkable and liveable cities, and
  2. award a minimum of 30 "Walking Visionaries" who will receive free tickets to participate in the Walk21 Vienna conference.
I am writing to you to ask you to help us spread the word about the Awards, participate yourself in them and/or visit the awards page to see the growing collection of submissions.

Follow the hashtag #WalkVision on Twitter (and Facebook) to keep updated.

Attached I am also sending you some info material that you can use upon your wish. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you very much and hope to see you soon!
All the best

Florian Lorenz