Walk the talk:
Using urban walking poles and pedometers
Walking is Canada’s #1
Join Winnipeg in motion and certified urban poling instructor
Sharon Couldwell to learn how to maximize your walking workout.
Walking with Urban poles uses 90% of
your body’s muscles and increases your use of energy. Be sure to attend the
session and enter to WIN a free set of urban poles ($100).
Are you getting
your 10,000
steps each day – find out how to track your
steps using a simple inexpensive device – pedometer. A free pedometer will
be given to the first 25 people attending the session.
Friday, September 17
12:10 to 12:50 p.m.
Carol Shields Auditorium, 2nd floor Millennium Library (251 Donald St.)
Admission is FREE
and registration is NOT required.
Contact Winnipeg in motion at 940-3648 for details.