Join Green Action Centre to kick off the most popular green commuting event in Canada!
What: The annual Commuter Challenge is a national celebration of healthy and sustainable transportation taking place during the first week of June. Close to 8,000 Manitobans participate every year by taking the bus, carpooling, walking or cycling to work. Winnipeg has won the past 12 out of 13 years as the top performing city in Canada.
When:Thursday, June 1st at 12:00-12:45 pm.
Where: Red River College, Paterson GlobalFoods Institute (Bijou Park, 504 Main Street).
Who: Green Action Centre is pleased to welcome guest speakers The Honourable Cathy Cox, Minister of Sustainable Development, Councillor Brian Mayes, and Paul Vogt, President of Red River College. Trevor Dineen of CBC will host.
Why Participate? It's great for the planet, saves money, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and you have the opportunity to win great prizes! This is also a great opportunity to Challenge Your Co-workers To Be Green!