A precedent setting announcement supporting active transportation corridors for schools. Hopefully we will hear more announcements like this city wide!  

I compiled a two page backgrounder on history of AT initiatives in Fort Richmond. (attached)
A lot of work is occurring in the community– as has been city wide. Great news!

PLEASE NOTE:  While not ‘officially announced’ yet – the Green Action Centre and communities of Fort Richmond / University Heights and U of M were involved in the development of a Community Walking and Cycling map: http://fortrichmondat.ca/Map.pdf

The format is almost identical to the Winnipeg cycling map – except with far more detail (ie: locations of crosswalks / lights / heated bus shelters / sidewalks, etc)  Hard copies are available at the Green Action Centre and at many locations in Fort Richmond / south Pembina businesses. The map was supported by the Province / City  / Green Action Centre and many other organizations.  It is my hope that many communities will want to develop their own detailed AT map!




From: at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca] On Behalf Of Jackie Avent (ASRTS)
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 1:20 PM
To: at-network@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: [At-network] City Infrastructure Announcement Blazes Trails for Winnipeg School Children


Today's Active Transportation infrastructure announcement is a promising step forward in creating safe, active corridors for students to travel actively to and from school.  

The investment in school-based infrastructure is precedent setting and exciting - highlighting the benefit of wide-spread community engagement and consultation done by Green Action Centre through the Bike Walk Roll Fort Richmond Project.  This was on the coat-tails of the School Travel Planning pilot project where we worked with all neighbourhood schools.







Jackie Avent | Active and Safe Routes to School 

Green Action Centre

3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue | (204) 925-3773


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