Sign up for the Commuter Challenge!
Green Action Centre sends out the call to Manitobans
May 30, 2016 (Winnipeg, MB) — Green Action Centre is sending out the
call to workplaces across Manitoba to sign up for the Commuter Challenge.
During Environment Week, June 5- 11, citizens are encouraged to try more
sustainable modes of transportation, including carpooling, transit, canoeing,
cycling, walking and more.
This Wednesday June 1, 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. at Manitoba Hydro Place, Ace Burpee, Virgin 103, Janice Lukes, Winnipeg City Council, and Kelvin Shepherd, Manitoba Hydro, and special musical guest Leaf Rapids will join staff from Green Action Centre to rally Manitoba citizens to join with their coworkers and register for the 2016 Commuter Challenge.
“Environmental awareness has been a serious topic lately, sometimes it’s nice to simply bike or walk to work and enjoy the beautiful Manitoba summer, carpool or bus and enjoy the company of your fellow community members. All the while knowing that you’re doing your part for the environment” says Christey Allen, Commuter Challenge Coordinator. “We are happy to share tips with you and lend you support. We want this to be a great experience for you.”
In 2015, over 7,000 individuals participated in more than 35 Manitoba communities. Winnipeg and Thompson won the national title for their respective population categories.
All participants will be entered in prize draws which include passes to the Winnipeg Folk Festival, Fringe Festival, Folklorama and Interstellar Rodeo, a $500 VIA Rail voucher, fresh local food from My Farmers Market and Jonnies Sticky Buns and much more. To register, simply visit Green Action Centre’s website.
Green Action Centre is your green living hub; a non-profit, non-governmental organization, based in Winnipeg and serving Manitoba. Green Action Centre’s primary areas of work are green commuting, composting and waste, sustainable living and resource conservation.-30-
For further information, contact:
Christey Allen, Commuter Challenge Coordinator