***Apologies for Cross Posting***


Please join us for a webinar on Environmental Measures for Safe Routes to School: Understanding the Basics of Air Pollution


Resource Conservation Manitoba will be a participation site for the webinar below on Tuesday, April 27th from 12-1 pm central. Please join us at our offices

3rd Floor, 303 Portage Avenue; Winnipeg. RSVP to asrts@resourceconservation.mb.ca.


Alternatively, using the link below you can register for the webinar and take part from the comfort of your own desktop. Participation is free! Enjoy!


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 925-3773 or asrts@resourceconservation.mb.ca.



Jackie Avent




Jackie Avent


Active and Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator

Resource Conservation Manitoba

3rd Floor - 303 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2B4

(204) 925-3773



Resource Conservation Manitoba: Living Green, Living Well

Practical solutions for yourself, your community and the environment
Green Commuting, Environmental Education, Reducing Waste, Composting


Resource Conservation Manitoba is a registered charity. Please consider making a donation.





From: Michelle Gulley [mailto:mgulley@americawalks.org]
Sent: April-20-10 9:48 AM
To: asrts@resourceconservation.mb.ca
Subject: Safe Routes Coaching Action Network Webinar - April 27th


Safe Routes Coaching Action Network
Webinar - April 27 (1pm ET)


kids crossing streetPresenters:
Pat Childers, U.S. EPA
Dan Powell, Planner, Greenville County Planning Dept.

Helping to reduce air pollution is often cited as a reason to walk or bike.  However, most of us are unfamiliar with the different types of air pollution and how they affect children compared to adults.  In this webinar, Pat Childers, of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will walk us through a basic introduction to the different sources and types of air pollution and how they relate to Safe Routes to School. This basic overview will also teach you how to determine the types of air pollution that are of the greatest concern in your area.   Mr. Childers will also discuss various school-related air pollution programs being implemented by EPA.

Mr. Childers presentation will be followed by a ten minute overview of the work Dan Powell is doing with schools in the Greenville County area to reduce idling, improve air quality, and increase walking and bicycling to school.  Dan will also discuss how to involve students in the process of evaluating air quality changes.

This webinar is part of the Safe Routes to School Coaching Action Network Webinar Series, developed by America Walks and the National Center for Safe Routes to School.

For more information please contact Michelle Gulley at



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